It's an Irken Life

No one should be this delicious!

Thursday, May 27, 2004

It's getting hot in herre!

I don't know about you PUNY EARTHLINGS, but the planet Irk has a much more pleasant climate. It's a perfect 68 Earth Fahrenheit degrees all the time, everywhere. Here on Earth, temperatures vary wildly! It wreaks havoc on my Irken body!

My body for some reason is only happy between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Any less, it's freezing. Any more, I'm sweating like Anna Nicole chasing a hot dog in the desert. Some earthlings I know don't sweat at all. This particular earthling can play a 3 set match of tennis, not sweat, not shower, and be OK.

It's not fair. I dread summer (especially wearing work clothes on the primitive "subway").


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